Something tells me that Plato would've seriously objected to these guys hanging out up
in the Republic. Commentary in progress...
What I'm interested in here--beyond the obvious coolness of Bad Religion in general-are the following lines:
"So have the told you how to think
Cleansed your mind of sepsis and autonomy?
Or have you escaped from scrutiny
And regaled yourself with depravity?"
I realize that Plato's Republic isn't so much about religion, per se, as it is a sort of military complex-y type thing. But Plato may just be the original instigator of this notion of religion being the opiate of the masses, what with his certainty that all the stories one young citizen will hear about the gods will irrevocably shape his/her worldview and morality. Can't have any contaminating elements in the mix. And no autonomy. A citizen couldn't possibly make an intelligent and well-considered evaluation of some fictional mimesis about the gods. The solution? Revisionist poesy, of course!